I had to do a little moonlighting to keep my bar running. Not an easy life. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do, and in this world, you got to use everything you got.

I spotted him a mile off. Ruben Tenenbaum. He looked an easy mark. All I had to do was let my long, black leather coat open slightly to reveal an expanse of fishnet and leather, and I had his attention. I leaned back in the doorway, putting one of my stiletto-heeled boots against the opposite wall, showing off my shapely thighs and FMB's. He looked up at me, his brow shiny with sweat, and his mouth fell open as I turned to face him, letting him see my dark makeup, the metal ring hanging from the collar around my neck and the leather corset which enhanced my generously-proportioned breasts.

"Hey, handsome, want some company?" I asked - he was far from handsome, but I knew that a little flattery could go a long way.

"You a cop?" he asked, his deep voice failing to mask his excitement and paranoia - we were living in dangerous times, after all.

I undid the button holding the front of my coat together, and opened it wide, showing off my body for him... I could see him looking me up and down, from the proud curves of my bosom down the criss-crossing laces at the front of my teddy to the fishnet covering my thighs.

"See a badge?" I asked.

Ruben shook his head, momentarily speechless, sweating like crazy... and I could smell it too. The less time I spent in his company, the better. But I had to earn... and to earn, I had to put up with people like him. I slowly walked down the steps towards him and he quickly looked both ways, obviously suspecting a trap of some form... obviously not realising that the true danger was standing right in front of him.

"You got your med-reg?" he asked.

"Full medical," I replied with a smile, glad to be the first person to break the cycle of questioning, "checked yesterday."

I pulled my med-reg card from my coat pocket and waved it in front of him, teasing, until he snatched it from my hands. Of course, it was a fake, but he was too excited by the prospect of some fun with me to look closely. Instead, he took a few deep breaths to calm himself.

"How much is this going to cost me?" he asked, eventually.

"That depends on how you want to play," I grinned, evilly.

"Well, I like to play rough," he said.

"Me, too," I replied, truthfully, putting my hand on his chest as I walked past, holding eye contact with him as I felt his heart-rate increase... this was too easy.

We walked together down the dirty, garbage-packed Steel Harbour street, exchanging insults with vagrants as we passed, until we got to the main entrance of his flat. He unlocked the gate, still obviously excited in his hurry to get me inside, and opened the main door via a retinal scan. As we walked through the main lobby, my eyes met those of a couple of well-dressed gents, sitting, relaxing, reading newspapers... they looked like trouble, and I had a feeling I might be coming across them later. Ruben and I took the lift up to his floor, and his excitement grew with every step - he fumbled with his key in the lock as I took the opportunity to look around the hallway. I hoped that my intelligence was correct, and his flat was indeed adjacent to that which contained my target.

He let me into his main room, a place characterised by it's unpleasant smell, lack of cleanliness and vast quantities of porn.

"How romantic," I muttered, not disguising my disdain and disgust.

He grabbed me, taking me by surprise. I'd forgotten that he was there. I held him at bay, wracking my brains for an excuse to get him out of my sight.

"I have an idea," I smiled, "why don't you go change into something a little more comfortable?"

And a little less smelly, I added as an afterthought.

"How about something a little less comfortable?" he asked, his confidence growing now that we were on his home turf.

"I can hardly wait," I smiled, letting my eyebrows raise briefly as I flirted with his subconscious.

He stumbled over a chair in his hurry to go change. Once he had closed the door behind him, I knew it was time for action. I turned the TV on, to mask the sounds of what I would do next. I took a pair of thermal imaging goggles from my handbag and quickly scanned the wall, looking into the flat beyond - and it was there that I saw my target, relaxing on a bed.

"Bingo," I smiled to myself, "Mr Krebs."

I heard the flush of a toilet behind me, and I knew that Ruben would be with me soon. I tossed my goggles onto my handbag and quickly removed my coat, letting it drop to the floor at my feet. I knew I must have presented an awesome sight to him - my long blonde hair falling down to my shoulders, acting as a contrast to my dark makeup and black leather collar with a steel ring hanging from the front. My fingerless, leather, elbow-length gloves matched my black leather corset, black g-string and black thigh-length boots, and the fishnet tights finished off the ensemble perfectly. I stood there, legs apart, hands on hips, playing the dominant role.

"Did you wash your hands?" I asked, as he emerged from the bathroom, dressed entirely in black leather.

"No," he said, disobediently, "I was bad."

"I'm so glad to hear that," I grinned, as he stepped into the room, holding a large wooden paddle and a pair of handcuffs.

I took the paddle from him and pressed a finger to my lips, kissing it, before pressing the same finger to his lips. His excitement was very obvious.

"Now close your eyes and turn around," I said, softly.

He nodded, and did as I said. And I whacked him on the back of the head with the paddle, sending him through his ironing board to land on the floor with a thump.

"Oops," I said, before discarding the broken paddle and taking the handcuffs from him.

I returned to where I had left my handbag and retrieved a can of explosive paste, which I quickly applied to the wall I had scanned earlier. Then it was simply a case of connecting it via wires to my detonator, placing a mattress against the wall to contain the force of the blast, pushing over a table to hide behind and twisting the plunger. There was a loud bang, and feathers everywhere. I knew that the unsavoury types waiting downstairs had probably heard the blast, so I wouldn't have long to fulfill my mission.

I quickly stepped through the hole in the wall where a surprised Krebs had just woken up - he reached for the bedside cabinet, which contained his gun. I kicked the drawer closed on his hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Krebs," I sneered, hitting him in the face with my own gun before jumping on top of him with the intention of cuffing his hands together.

Unfortunately, his associates downstairs were quicker than I had given them credit for - I dropped the handcuffs as the door flew open, and quickly rolled back into Ruben's flat under a hail of gunfire. I was surprised, I was unsettled - this was definitely not how I had planned it. I quickly assumed a kneeling position and fired my gun back into the room I had just exited, knowing it wouldn't hit anyone, but might disuade them from approaching for a couple of seconds.

I heard my two attackers whispering before the first rushed into the room - the last thing he was expecting was to have a fridge door slammed in his face. I aimed my gun at his head but he managed to kick it out of my hands. I kicked him in the stomach as he brought his own gun up, and all he managed was to fire into the floor. I kicked him in the face and he fired again before I grabbed him, planted my knee into his stomach and threw him into the fridge. As I reached down to grab his gun, to finish him off, I was surprised by his accomplice snapping a handcuff around my right wrist.

I wrenched myself away from him, leaping over the over-turned table I had used to shield myself from the blast earlier, feeling splinters of wood exploding all around me as a hail of bullets assaulted the table. And there I was, hiding behind the table, unarmed... I spotted my gun on the floor nearby, so kicked off a leg of the table so I could reach for it. A fresh hail of bullets drove me back before I could grab it, and I knew that my future looked bleak.

There was a break in the gunfire - I assumed it was for my assailant to reload, or at least to venture closer to see if he had succeeded in killing me. But, no, it was so his accomplice whom I had thought knocked unconscious in the fridge could attack me. He leapt from my side, taking me by surprise as he forced me to the ground - there was nothing I could do to stop him handcuffing my wrists together behind my back, even though I fought and kicked and spat. Once the metal cuffs had finally ratchetted closed around my wrists, he took a moment to relax - his mistake. I bucked, throwing him off-balance, giving me the opportunity to push him away and get to my feet... before I ran into the arms of the other man. It was then that I knew that my struggle was futile, as both men moved in to overpower me. A sharp pain on the back of my head preceeded utter blackness...


I slowly opened my eyes. I was on the floor of Ruben's flat, I could tell by the smell. My hands were still cuffed behind my back, and my feet were tied to my hands - I was hogtied. I blinked and looked around me, and saw the prone figure of Ruben lying next to me, still unconscious. And then I saw three figures, Krebs and his bodyguards, looking through what could only be Ruben's collection of bondage toys.

"This is a very strange man," Krebs muttered, holding up some form of leather harness, "let's say we borrow some of his stuff for a while, and have some fun before handing this sweet thing over to the authorities."

"Hey, I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement," I muttered.

"You're in no position to negotiate, Babe," came Krebs' reply.

"What did you call me?" I growled, straining at my bonds.

"I called you Babe, Babe - what'cha gonna do about it?"

As I opened my mouth to speak, I felt something being pulled roughly into it - a large rubber ring, which kept my lips and teeth apart. Attached to the ring was a leather harness which went over and around my head, locking the ring firmly in place, and meaning I could say nothing... and prevent nothing from entering my mouth. As I struggled to try to expel that unwelcome invader from my mouth, I felt a second pair of handcuffs being fastened around my elbows, and leather straps being buckled tightly around my legs at the ankles, knees and thighs... I was utterly helpless.

And then came the humiliation - they slowly unfastened my corset and removed it, freeing my ample breasts from their confinement. As one, they whistled appreciatively, having rolled me onto my side to get a better view. I struggled all the harder, but my efforts only resulted in jiggling that my captors found very pleasing.

"What shall we do with her?" one of them asked.

"I have some ideas," Krebs smiled, "Release her from that hogtie. I want to watch her struggle for a while."

And there I was, struggling for my release, struggling for their viewing pleasure, grunting into the gag as I exerted myself. My clothing consisted of a collar, gloves, fishnet tights, panties and boots, my bondage consisted of three leather straps, two pairs of handcuffs and a ring-gag. It made me struggle all the harder, trying to pull one leg while pushing the other to loosen the leather straps, trying to bring my cuffed hands in front of me, trying to bring my teeth together through the gag, all the while my breasts jiggling while the three men watched. I leaned forward, pulling hard as the cuffs behind me, my breasts pressing against my fishnet thighs, and I was surprised to feel how hard my nipples were - I couldn't believe that I was being aroused by my situation! This realisation brought renewed vigour to my struggles.

It was then that Krebs walked over to me, and sat on the floor next to my head. I glared at him as he rested my head on his lap, and I struggle all the more while he just sat there, staring openly at my body slick with sweat. And then he reached down to brush my hair away from my eyes and smiled at me, before reaching across to grip my right nipple firmly between forefinger and thumb. I squirmed, moaning loudly into the gag, partly in rebellion, partly in arousal, fully realising the helplessness of my situation. His other hand reached across and then he had both nipples in his firm grasp, twisting them evilly as I struggled in vain. There was nothing I could do.

"Men," Krebs smiled, looking away from me, "I think it's your turn. Take her into the next room, have some fun with her, but let me have her when you've finished. And don't loosen any of her bonds - she's far too dangerous to risk setting free."

"Me first," said the man whom I had earlier thrown into the fridge - he leered at my naked flesh as he picked me up, put me over his shoulder and took me back into Krebs' flat, dropping me unceremoniously on the bed before he unfastened his trousers.

He laid down next to me on the bed, grabbing my hair and pulling me wide-open mouth to his already-swollen cock. I knew exactly what he had in mind, but could do nothing about it as I was pulled closer to him and he pushed his cock into my mouth. I felt it filling me as it squeezed inside the rubber ring-gag, already throbbing with excitement. I fought as hard as I could to bring my teeth together, to punish this vulnerable intruder inside my mouth, but was powerless to stop him slowly thrusting... deeper... harder... into me.

"Oooh, that feels good, Babe," he moaned, as I tried to push his cock away with my tongue.

I was in a no-win situation. And then I felt his dirty, grubby hands cupping my breasts, playing with my nipples, squeezing my globes far too roughly... I struggled, but only succeeded in making his cock grow inside my mouth even more. I decided that my only option was to try to get it over with as quickly as possible - I let my tongue roam over and around his enormous cock, gently stroking, gently pushing, up and down his length, until his breathing got heavier and he gasped, his grip on my breasts getting so strong I thought he'd burst my implants, and then he came... he tried to pull out, but his cock was now too big for the gag and he was stuck inside my mouth... I had to quickly swallow his torrent of cum, gulping it down as he came and came... and then it was over, and he was fastening his trousers.

"Your turn!" he called into the next room, while I was still recovering, licking the last stray drops of cum from my face as best I could.

I turned to see the second man enter, holding a couple of leather straps. He quickly manhandled me into a kneeling position on the bed, and used the straps to fasten my ankles to my thighs and my knees to my chest, so my breasts were firmly crushed while I knelt curled-up in a ball. With one hand, he pushed my cuffed hands up, out of the way, while his other hand grabbed my panties and fishnet tights and pulled them down over my pert, curvacious buttocks... I knew exactly what was coming next, as I felt his hard cock being pressed against my nether regions... bound as I was, it was a very tight fit... but my earlier arousal provided sufficient lubrication for him to slowly push inside me, filling me completely... I gasped, and my gasp became a moan as he thrust inside me... I felt my nipples getting very hard against my knees, and I could barely move a millimetre as he used me for his own, personal pleasure... but the pleasure was mine too. I shut my eyes tight, trying to hide the fact that I was cumming... I gripped him harder, inside me, as I came, and he soon joined me in that higher place.

He slowly withdrew, and I felt myself being picked up and taken back into Ruben's flat. When would this ordeal end? I opened my eyes and saw both Krebs and Ruben smiling at me.

"You made this man a promise," Krebs grinned, pointing at Ruben, "and it's a promise I'm going to force you to keep."

And with that, he fastened a chain to the collar around my neck, and fastened the other end to the groin of the leather harness Ruben was wearing.

"Just so you don't run too far," Krebs smiled. "I've contacted the authorities, they should be here in a few minutes. But not before my new friend Ruben here has had his wicked way with you... three or four times..."

I wrinkled my nose at the smell as Ruben kneeled down beside me, grinning lugubriously, his leather-clad hand rubbing my bare, helpless buttocks. Krebs gave me a wave and a smile as he led his men out of the room.

"Catch you later, Babe!" he called.

I grumbled a reply into the gag, but soon forgot about him as Ruben began to explore my open mouth and pussy with his leather-clad hands... and I knew that his exploration would not stop there.