< Feline's Fantasies


Feeling a little bit like Cinderella after a visit from her Fairy Godmother, I felt my heart fluttering with excitement. We were going to a ball. More exactly, we were going to a fetish ball. And, to prepare, what were we doing? We were going shopping...

"This is the place," Pauline said, interrupting my thoughts.

I couldn't believe that such a shop could exist, so open to the public, for 'normal' people to just wander in off the street. On the surface, it looked like any other sexy lingerie shop... but off to the left I could see some steps leading down to the basement, where I guessed the more exciting underwear and toys was kept. Pauline didn't give me any time to take it in - instead, she grabbed my hand and led the way down those steps.

"This is it," Pauline smiled, "this is your costume for the ball."

I looked at where she was pointing. Then I blinked, and looked again. No, I wasn't dreaming - and from the expression on her face, she was serious. But how could she be serious about that?!? How could she be serious about a costume that left absolutely nothing to the imagination? In essence, it was a black latex catsuit... but, for some unknown reason, there were five holes in it which rather defeated the point of wearing it in the first place - a hole for each breast, a hole for each buttock and a hole for the pussy and surrounding area...

"There is no way on earth that you'll get me to wear that!" I said, turning to Pauline.

"Are you sure?" she asked, looking a little dismayed.

"Not without some underwear, at least..." I said, hating to hurt her feelings, not wishing to disappoint my lover.

"How about you try it on in the changing room?" she asked.


"Please? I'll never ask you again... I just want to see how it looks on you... Please?" she asked, looking up at me through her long eyelashes.

"Okay..." I said slowly, unable to resist her charms.

"And no underwear!" she grinned, as I picked the catsuit off the rack and took it in the direction of the changing rooms.

The male shop assistant standing outside the changing rooms looked me up and down, and then looked at the catsuit, and then looked back at me again before nodding and stepping aside. I felt like I'd been well and truly probed by his penetrating gaze, and felt a little uncomfortable as I pulled a curtain aside and stepped into the tiny cubicle. There wasn't much room - just a mirror with a rail above it for hanging my clothes. Not the best design, since my clothes would be in the way of my reflection. Still, I didn't mind, I didn't want to look at my reflection anyway once I was wearing that awful costume!

I quickly stripped off my clothes, until I was completely naked, holding the catsuit and looking at it. I must have been stood like that for a long time, since Pauline poked her head in through the curtain and whistled.

"Hey!" I blushed, holding the black material in front of myself as a shield, "I'm not ready yet!"

"Do you need any help?" she winked.

"I think I can manage," I said, smiling.

"Good," she replied, "I need to go and pick out my costume, and I need to find some accessories too. Back in a mo."

And, with that, she left. I quickly set about putting on the costume, starting by pulling the latex leggings up my long legs, loving the feel of the tight, restrictive material against my skin. The latex was cold against my warm flesh, but my body heat soon warmed it. This catsuit was different to anything I'd worn before - as I pulled it up over my hips, I felt the tiny thong nestle between my buttocks and absolutely nothing nestle against my pussy - I felt even more naked now than I had before I put it on. I looked down to see my trimmed bush framed by the tight, black, shiny latex. I smiled to myself - perhaps it wasn't so bad after all. But I'd never wear it to the ball! I pulled the latex up my body, feeling the tight material enclose my tummy. Looking back at my reflection in the mirror, I saw my pert buttocks neatly framed as my pussy was - very sexy, I smiled.

As I pulled the material higher up my body, I finally came to my breasts - the holes in the catsuit were a bit small, and the suit was so tight that it pressed tightly against my bosom, my breasts squeezed tightly but not quite tight enough to push through the holes for them. I pulled the suit up over my shoulders as I pulled the sleeves up my arms and my hands into the gloves. Then it was just a case of reaching behind my back to pull the zip from just above my buttocks up to my neck... except that I couldn't get it all the way up, what with my breasts still being inside the suit.

I smiled at my reflection in the mirror as I reached around in front of myself and gripped my nipples, firmly. A quick tug (which may I say produced a rather aroused moan from my lips) was all it took to pull my breasts through the holes, where they very nicely bulged out of the latex framework. I reached behind me and pulled the zip up to my neck. A perfect fit.

And then Pauline returned, and whistled so appreciatively that I blushed. She handed me a pair of thigh-high black stiletto-heeled boots and waited for me to don them - as I did, I was aware of her eyes on my exposed body, and suddenly felt rather vulnerable. Feeling a rush of confidence, I decided to play it cool - I stood up straight, put my hands on my hips and looked her in the eye.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"Needs a slight adjustment," she grinned, producing a pair of handcuffs.

I didn't resist as she fastened one cuff around my left wrist, raised my hands above my head, wrapped the chain around the metal pole above the mirror and attached the second cuff to my right wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking advantage of your vulnerability," she grinned, "that's what you like, isn't it?"

"But in a changing room?" I asked.

"Don't worry, no-one will discover us... as long as you keep your mouth shut."

Her hands found my hips and I swore to myself. Here I was, wearing the most exposing of outfits, helpless to stop her using me... and I had to keep quiet. I'm quite a vocal person when aroused (hence the use of gags during most of our adventures) but this time I would have to bite my lip and try not to get the attention of the shop assistants...

Her fingers moved lightly over my body, seemlessly travelling from latex to flesh and back to latex again, producing very light moans from my lips as I felt her hot breath on my breasts... her eyes were wide with excitement, and she looked like she didn't know where to start. Her fingers moved around behind me to my bare buttocks as she pressed her body against mine, the zip of her coat cold against my bare breasts as she kissed me passionately... our tongues played between our mouths before I sucked her tongue into my mouth and gently gripped it with my teeth.

She moaned at me and I just giggled, loving to make her feel helpless when she thought she was in control. With her tongue still between my teeth, she raised her eyebrows and removed her hands from my ass, pressing her body into mine so my bare buttocks were pressed against the very cold mirror behind me... I gasped, releasing her tongue, and she dropped to her knees.

"I'll get you for that, you cheeky mare," she grinned, licking her lips.

"Shhhh!" I hissed, "If anyone hears us, they might investigate!"

"Exactly! I'm going to make you scream..." she winked - before I could reply, I felt her hands parting my thighs and I could do nothing to stop her.

A groan escaped my lips as her tongue lightly flicked my exposed clit... and I knew that she had meant what she said. Her hands moved down my latexed legs to my ankles, holding them apart and down while her face pushed into my moistening pussy. I felt her nose nuzzling me deeply as her tongue probed between my labia, pushing deeper inside me, exploring... a loud moan escaped my lips before I could contain it, and I hoped that no-one had heard it as I slowly began to grind my pussy on Pauline's mouth. I bit my bottom lip, screwed my eyes shut and writhed on her tongue, getting more and more aroused, wetter and wetter, hotter and hotter, unable to do anything but enjoy her tongue as she slowly, steadily, mercilessly brought me to a wonderful, warm, satisying orgasm...

She slowly got to her feet and kissed me on the lips, letting me taste my own fresh, warm pussy juices... and then she broke off the kiss and took a step back.

"I'm very disappointed," she said.

"I'm not," I whispered, smiling.

"You didn't scream!"

"I nearly did..."

Instead of replying, Pauline gripped my hips and span me around, so I was facing the mirror, my hands still cuffed to the pole above it. I caught sight of my reflection, my body covered in black shiny latex apart from my breasts and groin, before she pushed me up against the cold mirror... it was so cold, I almost screamed with surprise! Instead, all I let out was a short gasp. My nipples hardened against the glass, and I wriggled, feeling Pauline's hands gripping my bare buttocks as she leaned in close, her tongue licking slowly inside my ear. I gasped as she spanked my bottom once, twice, thrice... and hoped that the shop assistant hadn't heard us.

And then Pauline stepped back again, reaching up to unlock the handcuffs. She turned the key in the lock of the cuff around my left wrist and I brought my hands down from the bar. Before I could do anything else, though, she surprised me by pulling my hands behind my back, threading the handcuffs through the tiny thong at the rear of my catsuit and re-attaching my left wrist to the cuff.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, my hands securely bound behind my back to the catsuit.

"Nothing you need worry your cute little head about," she smiled in reply, picking up the clothes I had arrived at the shop in and putting them in a shopping bag - an action that had me particularly worried.

I got even more worried when she picked up my coat and draped it over my shoulders, doing up the buttons from knee to throat. She actually intended me to go home like this!

"You can't do this, I refuse to step outside like this!" I said, pulling at the handcuffs.

"I'm afraid you don't have much choice in the matter," she grinned, grabbing the front of my coat and pulling me out of the changing room behind her, "Don't worry, you'll have fun, believe me!"

We stopped when we almost ran into the shop assistant. He raised an eyebrow as he looked me up and down, and Pauline had to undo a few buttons of my coat to show him that I was wearing the catsuit underneath... she had already paid for it, so then it was a simple case of walking outside to the car. Back home, she removed my coat and hung it up, and left me to my own devices.

"Aren't you going to free me?" I asked, tugging at the handcuffs behind my back (and gaining a rather pleasurable sensation as the thong was pulled tighter between my buttocks).

"No, you'll only take the catsuit off. Then all my hard work will have been in vain."

"What if I want to go to the toilet?"

"Tough! Now be quiet while I go get changed! You don't want me to gag you, do you?"

I watched her walk up the stairs and decided it was time to free myself. I wasn't going to wear this particular costume to the ball. But if I could somehow remove it and force her to wear it... I'd love to see her pert breasts squeezed through the holes in the front of the costume... it would be a delicious sight. I looked down over my shoulder as I pulled the handcuffs away from my backside as far as the catsuit would allow - they were a different model to the type we usually bought, so I wasn't sure if our keys would work on them. Still, there was no harm trying.

I staggered upstairs in my stiletto heels and walked into the bedroom. Pauline's clothes were dumped on the bed in a heap and I could hear her in the shower. Perfect. I backed into the wardrobe door and pulled it open, kneeling down in my black latex catsuit to reach into the depths of the wardrobe for our toybox, my nipples brushing against my knees. My searching fingers eventually found it and I pulled it out, spilling a couple of toys on the floor as I took it to the bed and upended it. I peered at the pile of sex toys and bent right over to extract all the keys I could find with my teeth and place them in a small pile on the end of the bed - I briefly wondered what sort of view anyone walking into the room now would have of me bending over, revealing a lot more than I normally did, bound helpless... vulnerable... I felt my nipples hardening as my thoughts turned to the erotic, and I quickly scolded myself. I had to concentrate.

I turned around and sat on the end of the bed, feeling behind me for the keys I had separated from the rest of the toys. My fingers found one of them and I quickly turned it around and tried it in the lock (hey, I'm an expert at this, I've been doing it for years, okay?) - no luck. I tried the next, and the next, and the next, all with similar results. I was stuck. I wasn't getting the handcuffs, or the catsuit, off until Pauline wanted me to take them off.

She emerged from the shower, wrapped in a towel, and took in the scene before her with a wry grin.

"Not trying to escape, are we, sweetie?" she asked, drying herself vigorously.

"Me? No..." I said, looking as innocent as possible, "I was just... erm... looking through our toy collection."

"And focussing on the handcuff keys, I notice," she retorted, rubbing the towel over her breasts... and I was hypnotised by the corner of the towel, dancing in front of her pussy, sometimes revealing it, sometimes hiding it... "Laura!"

"Sorry," I grinned, "but I just noticed something..."

"What did you notice?"

"You got a bit carried away when you shaved your legs."

"Hey, it's a new look... I might let you lick it later," she grinned, flashing her eyebrows... but my eyes were on her hairless pussy.

"That sounds very tempting... just let me out of these handcuffs, and I'll be right there..."

"Have you forgotten? We've got a ball to go to."

"I can't go dressed like this!"

"Well, if you want, I could add a ballgag and nipple clamps..." she grinned, looking at me over the bunched up towel as she dried her arms.

"Err, that won't be necessary. I'm happy as I am."

"Good. Now, unfortunately, I couldn't find anything I liked in the shop, so is there anything you want me to wear?"

"This catsuit?" I smiled, invitingly.

"Stop complaining or I will gag you. No, I think..." and then her eyes spotted something in the pile of our toys that I had upended on the bed.

She reached down and pulled out a roll of black tape - we had used it for many games in the past, and there was barely a few metres left.

"Do you think I can make myself a nice dress out of this?" she asked.

"Looking at how much tape there's left on that roll, you'd be lucky to make a collar out of it! You can't be serious!"

"You don't think I'd make you wear something as revealing as that without getting in on the fun myself," she grinned.

She peeled off a length of tape, used her teeth to cut it and winked at me as she used the single strip to horizontally cover her nipples. The two ends of the tape only just overlapped behind her back. She then ripped off a smaller length of tape and wrapped it once around her left thigh. Another small length of tape went around her right upper arm.

"Aren't you forgetting somewhere?" I asked, looking at the area of her body I would have covered first.

"Hey, I'm accessorising," she winked.

Then came the last length of tape - she used the rest of the roll, winding it tightly around her hips and buttocks, creating a black tape miniskirt that only just covered her pussy and about three-quarters of her ass. And then I realised why she had shaved down there earlier... taking the tape off would be very painful otherwise.

"What do you think?" she asked, modelling for me as she did a little sexy wiggle.

I got to my feet and walked over to her as she pulled on a pair of strappy stiletto heels. I nuzzled her neck, my hardening nipples pressed against her tape-bound breasts... her hands moved up my sides as I pushed forward, pushing her back into the bed, pushing her down onto her back as I climbed on top, straddling her, my hands still bound behind my back. She used her unbound hands to push herself away from me, and I had an unforgettable view of the undercarriage of her breasts moving from side to side as she wiggled up the bed. I pursued her, still straddling her, still bound, as I quickly moved up her tummy and managed to pin her wrists to the bed, underneath my booted shins. I looked down at her face and she was smiling, looking straight up at my naked, vulnerable pussy... so I sat... on her face...

I moaned as her tongue penetrated me for the second time that day, smiling at the irony that even though I had my hands helpless cuffed behind my back, I was in total control here... I moved up and down on her tongue, taking pleasure from my lover, making her pleasure me, free to groan and moan and scream to my heart's content...

"What about me?" Pauline asked as I got off her, coming down from my orgasm.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'm suffering from an orgasm deficit here," she pouted.

"I'm sure there's something I can do about that," I grinned, strutting around the bed until I was standing at the foot, between her legs.

I slowly lowered, going down to my knees, the chain between my handcuffs automatically pulling at the thong of my catsuit... Pauline shifted down the bed, so I could push my face between her legs, under the tape, to taste her sweet pussy... I felt her hands on my head, holding me in place while I explored her, pushing my tongue deeper, then withdrawing so I could flick her with the tip, then pushing back in even deeper... she groaned through gritted teeth as I pulled on her clit with my teeth... and she soon began to grind on my face as I pushed my tongue back inside her, thrusting slowly into her until she gently, slowly, calmly exploded into orgasm...

"It's time to go," Pauline smiled, sitting up, wiping her juices off my face with a smile.

She helped me into my coat, with my hands still cuffed, and put her coat on over her barely-taped body. The mansion in which the ball was being held was only a short drive away - just as well, since I was very uncomfortable! Pauline stopped the car and leaned across to give me a peck on the cheek.

"I don't think I can go through with this," I said, my stomach full of butterflies.

"Would it help if you had a mask to hide your face?" she asked.

"Yeah! Do you think..?"

But I didn't need to continue. She had such a mask. She had intended me to wear it all along. The mask covered most of my face, but still allowed me to see and speak while keeping my identity a secret. We left our coats in the car and approached the main door. Pauline knocked loudly before stepping behind me to remove my handcuffs. I rubbed my sore wrists once she had, and I managed to cover myself with my hands just in time as the main door opened and we were admitted.

The ball was amazing. There were hundreds of people in full fetish gear, plus quite a few who were completely naked. Despite the blatant flaunting of bits, I kept myself covered as best I could. We pushed our way through the throng, shouting to each other over the music, and I tried to take everything in. One particular image which stuck in my mind was a well-muscled man in a loincloth leading a buxom blonde by a chain affixed to her wrists into an upstairs bedroom... it certainly looked like fun.

With my left hand covering my groin and my right hand covering my breasts, I had a little trouble accepting the drink that Pauline offered me. I took a deep breath and took my hand from my breasts. There were a few approving glances from passersby - that, mixed with the alcohol, made me feel a whole lot better. I caught a glimpse of myself in a nearby mirror - I didn't look out of place, considering the setting. Then I felt her grab my left hand and pull it away from my groin - before I could complain, she was pulling me through the crowd. I felt a number of strangers' hands groping me as I passed - some rough, some smooth, some gloved... all aimed at my bare buttocks and breasts... and all resulting in me feeling hornier and hornier. And then she opened a door, pushed me into the room beyond, and closed the door behind us.

"It was so stuffy in there!" she grinned, looking me up and down, "I just had to get out. You looked so sexy in there, I just want to play with you myself..."

"You wanted to play snooker with me?" I asked, indicating the large green baize table that dominated the room we had just entered.

"Well, if you insist," Pauline smiled, fingering the tip of one of the cues in a stand against the wall, "Get your ass up on that table now, slave-girl!"

"Yes, Mistress!" I giggled, hoping the owner wouldn't mind.

Where she got the ropes from, I had no idea... but, within the minute, I was lying on my back, bound spreadeagled, the ropes spreading to the four corner pockets... and there I was, helpless, bound spreadeagled, unable to cover myself, my shiny black latex catsuit affording no protection from Pauline's admiring gaze as she chalked a cue. There was a click as she struck the cue ball, a second click as the cue ball struck another ball, and a moan as that ball bounced off my open, exposed pussy.

"What are you doing?" I asked, grinning.

"Aiming for the hole - I thought I was doing quite well."

I groaned as a second ball struck my vulnerable pussy, and I pulled at my bonds, trying to escape. A third ball struck me, and I groaned... and then I felt the base of a cue, pushing against my well-lubricated pussy lips... I arched my back a little as it pushed into me, filling me completely. She twisted the cue slightly and I groaned very loudly, my bare buttocks moving against the baize as I writhed, impaled on the cue... and then she stopped. I lifted my head, looking down the length of the table, to see her sitting in a chair by the far wall, the cue extending all the way from my pussy to her hand... she smiled at me and lifted the cue, and the effect it had on me was... indescribable... but it almost made me scream with pleasure. She was really getting off on having such a result on me from such a distance... she pushed the cue into me deeper and I bit my lip, but couldn't stop myself from screaming with pleasure again... I was grinding on the cue now, writhing and struggling, wriggling and squirming, impaled... and so horny, so hot, so wet... and then she pushed it really deep into me and I screamed one, last time as I came...

I eventually found the energy to sit up a little, as much as my bonds allowed, to look at Pauline. She was looking as aroused as I was, and sweating a little, and I noticed that the tape was beginning to slide from her body. I pulled at my bonds again.

"Are you going to let me go now?" I asked, smiling.

"Actually, I was going to go and find some people who'd be interested in a game of snooker..." she grinned, idly chalking my nipples.

"You wouldn't!" I gasped - but I knew she would.