"We interrupt this broadcast to bring you startling news. The villain known as the Snake has announced that he has captured the Masked Avenger, and will execute her at midnight if the city doesn't pay a ransom for her safe release. A collection is being made at City Hall, to raise the necessary funds..."

I closed my eyes, ignoring the rest of the radio message that had interrupted my easy listening. The Masked Avenger... captured? It had been months since my last adventure - I hadn't heard from my heroine since I had left that wrestling ring. Obviously, me losing the fight and having my face on every television show and newspaper in the city was not a part of her plan. But she hadn't even contacted me to apologise - perhaps she was trying to protect me. On the positive side, I hadn't had any contact from any supervillains either... so her protection had obviously worked. Unfortunately, without a sidekick, she had no-one watching her back, and now she was captured. I had to do something. But, first, I had to free myself.

I was only in simple bondage, but the key to my release was frozen in a cube of ice. It had already melted a little, but I couldn't wait for it to finish melting - I had to escape and rescue the Masked Avenger immediately. I looked around, taking stock of my situation. I was curled up on my bed, lying on my side, my wrists securely handcuffed together. My preparation earlier had involved tying a small length of rope to the rear of my g-string and to the chain of the handcuffs - I had then raised my hands so that they reached back over my shoulders and found the handcuffs. I was stretched in my bondage, my hands pointing down my back, the rope pulling hard at my g-string, my pussy red hot... burning whenever I struggled. And I was struggling a lot now. The rest of my self-imposed imprisonment consisted of a ballgag and a pair of nipple clamps.

I looked at the little saucer at the other end of the bed, which contained the key frozen in ice. How could I warm it up, so that I could free myself? I moved over towards it, moaning into the gag as my movements put more pressure on my g-string, making it bite into my pussy and ass even harder... and as I moved, one of my nipple clamps got trapped under me and produced a very pained squeal from my lips. I struggled hard then, trying to move my hands so I could massage my poor, tortured nipple, but I had done a good job - I was utterly helpless.

What if the Snake knew where I lived? What if even now his minions were closing in on my location, to abduct me, to take me back to his lair... half naked and helpless? I slid off the bed, landing on my knees, and tried to blow warm air over the ice cube through my ball gag. What a sight I must have been, kneeling there, my elbows pointing straight up, my little g-string stretched to near breaking-point. I breathed over the ice cube again but knew that, impeded as I was by my gag, I was having very little effect. I would have to free myself another way.

I got to my feet and walked over to my bedroom door. I backed into the handle and managed to release it with some skillful buttock manouevring, before using my toes to pull open the door. And then it was a simple case of walking downstairs (while silently congratulating myself on not using a blindfold or leg bondage) and into the kitchen. Balancing on one leg, I managed to pull open a draw and pull out a serrated knife, which I placed on the work surface. Then I turned around and my searching fingers found the handle and, after a few attempts, the rope was cut. Immediately, the pressure on my pussy was released and I could move my cuffed hands back in front of me. My instinct was to plunge my fingers deep into my red-hot sex and bring myself to an orgasm I so richly deserved and needed, but I knew that I had more pressing concerns. I dropped the knife and headed back upstairs, gasping into the gag as I removed the nipple clamps on the way.

Back in the bedroom, I picked up the freezing-cold ice cube in my cuffed hands and looked at it. The key was still firmly locked inside that frozen cage, and my pussy was burning for attention. And then inspiration struck me - not quite knowing what I was doing, I quickly reached down and pushed the ice inside my g-string, down between my labia... I closed my eyes, collapsing on the bed, moaning into the gag as my inner fire was doused by my fingers pushing that ice cube deep inside my pussy... I bucked, involuntarily, and groaned loudly, shaking my head, forcing my legs together to contain the sensation, rolling onto my side, my eyes screwed shut as I came...

I pulled the key from my nether regions and removed the handcuffs from my wrists before I removed the gag from my lips. I peeled off the soaking g-string and slowly got to my feet. I wanted to stay in bed, and bring myself to orgasm after orgasm... but I had a superheroine to rescue. But, first, I needed something to wear. Should I go in normal clothes? Or dressed as a superheroine? And if I went as my superheroine alter-ego, Feline, what would I wear? My last costume had been ripped by a wrestler... so I had to find something new. A quick search through my wardrobe to find suitable black clothing turned up precious little. A pair of black latex elbow-length gloves. A pair of black high-heeled FMB's. A black sling bikini. A pair of black fishnet holdups. But nothing to cover my face and protect my identity... unless... I smiled to myself and digged into the back of my wardrobe, and pulled out a black motorcycle helmet, with a symbol of a silver cat on the side. Perfect. My anonymity was assured.

I quickly stepped into the sling bikini, pulling the two straps up to my shoulders, and adjusting them so they covered my nipples. I hoped that I wouldn't be involved in too much action, since I didn't want to accidentally reveal myself. Next I pulled on the stockings, closely followed by the boots, and then the gloves. Last on was the motorcycle helmet - it gave me very limited visibility, but at least it might give me some protection in a fight. I grinned. Feline was back in town, and ready for action. And I knew exactly where I was needed.

Within minutes, I was standing before a large warehouse, feeling a little exposed. The air was cool on my skin, as I remembered it being the last time I was here. But, this time, I wasn't feeling so self-conscious, so nervous. This time, my mind was focussed on my purpose. This was one of the Snake's warehouses. And this was where I hoped to pick up the trail.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" came a voice from behind me. Bingo.

I turned to see a pair of guys, dressed in black, with small green snake symbols on their lapels. My luck was in. It was time to get physical. I span, striking one of the guys on the jaw with the back of my hand - he staggered, spitting, surprised. I moved in to finish him off when I sensed a third man behind me - before I could do anything, he had me in a nelson hold and I suddenly felt very helpless, and very exposed. I tried to stamp on his feet with my stiletto heels, I tried to hit his face with my motorcycle helmet, but all to no avail. The other two guys grinned to each other and approached.

"You must be Feline," the one that I had hit said, "We have been expecting you."

He reached forward, obviously meaning to move my sling bikini to reveal more of my breasts. I let the man behind me take my weight as I struck out with both feet... but my move was anticipated, my legs caught, and I was carried, struggling, screaming and swearing, into the back of a nearby van. The motorcycle helmet was pulled from my head and a length of rope used to quickly hogtie me. I struggled, growling at my captors, but all they did was sit around me, watching my breasts jiggle as I struggled. The van started, and then we were moving. I decided to preserve my strength - I closed my eyes and tried to ignore my surroundings, silently cursing myself for being so stupid... and silently hoping that I was now being taken to where the Masked Avenger was, and that somehow I would be able to rescue her. My thoughts were interrupted by a rag being held over my nose and mouth - I gasped with surprise, opening my eyes as I struggled furiously to fight the chloroform but it was too late... within moments, all was blackness.

I opened my eyes, groggily. My arms hurt. I tried to move them, but thick white ropes bound my elbows and wrists together behind my back. I noticed that I was still wearing my black latex gloves... and nothing else. I blinked. Where was I?

"I'm so glad you could join us," came a familiar voice.

I was lying on the floor, and now I sat up (rather difficult a manouevre, given my bondage). Standing over me was a tall, muscular man in a familiar black costume - the Snake. He smiled, looking me up and down, making me feel very uncomfortable before he stood aside. And then I saw her, the one whom I had come to rescue. She was still wearing her black facemask, but her silver catsuit and utility belt were nowhere to be seen - she was naked. And she was bound. She was standing on her toes, her body stretched by a rope which ran from her bound wrists to the ceiling. Her pale flesh was criss-crossed with painful-looking welts and bruises.

"What have you done to her?" I asked, forgetting about my nakedness, concerned for my heroine.

"You'll find out, soon enough," the Snake smiled, "but, for now, I have things to do. I'll be back soon to gain as much pleasure as I can from the two of you."

And with that, he left. And I got to my feet and ran over to my heroine and friend, the Masked Avenger.

"Are... are you okay? Can you speak?"

"I'll survive," she moaned, "but we have to escape. As soon as possible."

I looked up at her bonds - the ropes were out of my reach. And I couldn't get the ropes binding me anywhere near where she could reach either. It looked like our only chance was to struggle, and hope that one of us got lucky.

"It doesn't look good," I said, pulling at my bonds.

I couldn't believe our situation - it seemed totally hopeless.

"I'm sorry," she started, but I took another step towards her and shushed her.

"There's no need to apologise - I'm the one who should be sorry, for getting captured so easily, for completely forgetting my training."

"No," she began, but I couldn't hear this, not now - I took another step towards her and did the only thing I could to stop her speaking... I pressed my lips against hers. And there we were. Her wearing just a facemask, her hands tied above her head. Me wearing just latex gloves, my arms bound behind my back. Kissing.

I realised what I had done and blushed, pulling away. But she followed, gripping my lower lip between her teeth, a fire in her eyes as she pulled me back towards her and pushed her tongue into my mouth. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the moment, letting my tongue play with hers, inside my mouth, inside her mouth. We parted, and looked into each others' eyes, both grinning evilly, our predicament forgotten as our tongues met again and we kissed with passion.

I pulled away, smiling at her as I moved in to kiss her neck, sucking on her tender skin as she moaned. I kissed down her chest until I reached her breasts, and slowly began to brush my moist lips over her hardening nipples. I took her right nipple into my mouth and began to suck gently - hearing her groans above my head drove me to suck harder, and bite... The Masked Avenger gasped, and I giggled. I moved around behind her, pressing my erect nipples into her back, kissing the back of her neck. I moved down, rubbing my hard nipples down her back, following them with kisses. My lips soon reached her pert buttocks, and I moved down between her legs, softly kissing up the other side until I found her breasts again. I bit her left nipple, and giggled again as my helpless heroine gasped a second time.

"Enjoying yourself?" she asked, looking down at me, still struggling with her bonds.

"You ain't seen nothing yet," I winked, before kissing down her body until I found myself in front of her neatly-trimmed mound.

"I've... erm... never done anything like this before..." she said, looking a little nervous.

"Too late to back out now," I grinned, my tongue slowly lapping at her labia.

She gasped, her legs parting for me as I hungrily began to eat her, all the time pulling at my bonds as I buried my head deep between her legs, letting my tongue explore deeper and deeper, thrusting into her very wet pussy... I bore her weight as her thighs went over my shoulders, and I pushed upwards even harder, bearing her up, taking her higher, pleasuring her as I felt her begin to buck on top of me... and then she came, and I hungrily lapped up her juices...

I ducked down, and she took her legs from my shoulders. I stood up straight, and kissed her on the lips, letting her taste her own juices. She returned my kiss with equal passion, and I felt her hands on my hips. I moaned softly as her tongue pushed into my mouth, and her hands moved up to my breasts. I struggled with my bonds, thinking the situation very unfair... and then I realised that she was free. I pulled away, staring at her.

"Erm..." she blushed, "you gave me the extra height I needed to untie myself."

"I don't know whether to be overjoyed or insulted..." I pouted.

Her hands turning me around so she could cup my breasts from behind turned my pout into a grin - my nipples hardened between her fingers as she kissed my neck, and I was in bliss. She pushed me down to the ground, pressing my nipples into the floor, and climbed astride me. She roughly parted my legs and plunged her fingers hard into my wet pussy, making me gasp loudly. I struggled with my bonds but could do nothing to stop her pushing four fingers deep inside me - she leaned forward while she pumped her fingers in and out of me and bit my ear... she used her legs to push my legs together, so I had no choice but to grip her hand inside me... I was moving with my own rhythm now, pumping myself on her hand, whilst her other hand idly picked at the ropes binding my arms behind my back... and then it all became too much for me and I came, hard, almost biting the floor as I writhed in absolute pleasure.

I slowly sat up, steadying myself with one gloved hand. I was free. We were free. But how would two near-naked women have a chance of taking on an evil supervillain and his army of henchmen? Well... that's another story...