My Living Art Show
by Soloist

One thing about beach cities, you can get away with a lot.
Living Art and Performing Art are common.  This led to a 
really wild plan on my part.  The idea was born when I found 
access to the roof of a four story office building 
overlooking one of the business streets.

One weekday morning before daylight I erected a St. Andrews 
cross at the edge of the roof at the side facing the street.  
I also hung a banner over the edge of the roof.  I put a 
padlock on the roof door to discourage the curious from 
coming up for a closer look at what I was about to do or to 
play touchy-feely.  Maybe accessibility would be an idea for 
another time.  As the sky began to lighten, I stripped, 
placed a cloth sack over my head, stepped up on the parapet 
and clicked my ankle cuffs into the snap hooks on the legs 
of the cross.  Reaching up, I padlocked my wrist cuffs to 
the eyebolts on the upper arms of the cross.  I was now 
stretched, but not uncomfortable, on the cross.  The key to 
the locks was held on the windup key of an alarm clock 
fastened on the back side of one upper arm of the cross.  At 
the appointed time, the key on a string would drop to within 
reach of a my hand.  Until then, I was fixed to the cross.

As it became lighter, my little show opened.  I was on the 
cross, naked and exposed to public view over one of the 
busiest streets in town!

The banner at my feet said:

Suffering for the Needy

The bag over my head had eye holes so I would not miss a 
thing and a painted howling mouth to show the suffering.
The idea of course was to fend off the cops.  I wanted to 
pass as a living art show.  To add to the effect I had 
placed a collection box on the sidewalk below me with a sign 
reading “For the model.  He was placed here by the Society 
to Remember the Poor”.

With the light, pedestrians began to notice me.  Foot 
traffic increased as businesses opened and tourists started 
looking for breakfast and the beachy shops.  Right across 
the street from my position were several sidewalk cafés.  
The morning trade was getting a little extra with their eggs 
this morning.

People were stopping to look, stare, or ogle depending on 
their outlook.  Most smiled, some shook their heads, a few 
got binoculars to better check the suffering model.  And 
this model was beginning to suffer from being forced to 
stand in one position.  This lead to shifting of weight that 
furthered the appearance of suffering for the audience as my 
apparently suspended body moved about.  

The sea breeze caressed my body with my balls and nipples 
being most sensitive.  The effect of the breeze on my body 
was to give me the sensation that the eyes moving over my 
body were actually touching and stroking me.  This was 
extremely exciting and I found myself presenting my viewers 
with a huge erection for their examination.  The ones with 
the binoculars were really enjoying the show.  And so was I 
enjoying myself.  All I wanted to do was grab my cock and 
not being even able to even touch myself anywhere was 
extremely frustrating.  But I could only maintain an 
erection for so long, and as the wind lessened, lost it but 
not the now aching desire.  The crowd apparently accepted my
hard on as a natural accident and not part of the show or a 
lewd act.  They just assumed, correctly, that I was stuck 
and, incorrectly, that whoever was supposed to be watching 
out for me was goofing off. And as the morning progressed 
and the wind increased or decreased, I got and lost more 
unsatisfied erections.  Finally, every time my cock rose up, 
I heard a cheer from below as though I had a flag on the end 
of it.  The audience thought my supposed discomfort was 
funny.  I thought it was wonderful.

Needless to say, I found being exposed and on display like 
this extremely arousing, exciting, and frustrating. In other 
words wonderful.  Several times I heard the roof door rattle 
and really came close to freaking out. 

I had no idea how long I had been in position or what time 
it was.  It must have been about midmorning when the wind 
came up stronger than before.  As the cool breeze stroked my 
super sensitive skin, I felt like I was going to cum.  The 
thought of cumming like this really got me turned on.  I 
found myself moving my hips to swing my cock side to side, 
up and down to get the maximum sensation possible under the 
circumstances.  Then to my surprise, I actually did cum and 
shot a load over the edge of roof.  My first feeling was 
that of more frustration.  It was a weak orgasm, nothing 
like the monster I was aching for and would have had if I 
could have gotten a hand on my cock.  My second thought was 
about the people below me.  They were going to be pissed!  
And I panicked and fought my restraints but there was no way 
I could get away.  But fortunately the people right below me 
could not see what had happened above them.  If anyone got 
hit, they probably thought a bird had nailed them.

Now though, I was ready to quit and go home, but of course 
there was no way.  I had set the clock’s alarm for 2:00 PM.  
When I planned this adventure, I wanted to be sure that I 
would have to continue the show through the busy lunch hour 
for maximum exposure.  So I remained on display in all my 
glory.  After a while, the rising wind moving over my skin 
started arousing me to erections again.  Then it became 
apparent that the lunch hour had started.  I had been In 
position for over six hours by this time and was shifting 
and moving quite a bit in the effort to ease my aching 
muscles.  The crowd seemed to enjoy this, either because I 
was suffering or because they thought I was doing a strange 
dance.  Some even clapped in time, apparently to give me a 
beat to work to.

Finally the lunch crowd began to thin out and I knew I was 
in the home stretch.  As I thought about the orgasm I 
planned to have when I got away, I really got a hard on, 
massive and continuous.  This seemed to please the people 
below as they showed by their hoots and various gestures.

At last the alarm went off and the key dropped to my hand.  
I released myself as fast as I could with my stiff joints, 
after all I had been up there for over eight hours.  When I 
finally got free I laid the cross down on the roof, grabbed 
my clothes and fled down the stairs and out the back of the 
building.  I walked around the buiding, picked up the 
collection box while moving at a fast pace and got out of 
there.  When I finally got home, I whacked of for one of the 
great orgasms of all times.  Then I started making plans for 
future live art performances.  You see, when I checked the 
collection box, I found $129.72 in it.